Friday 27 August 2010

Raw Cacoa Power!

A cheap way to get your antioxidants
One 500g bag of raw cacao powder delivers about 500,000 ORAC Antioxidant units. To get that same amount of ORAC units from other foods, you'd have to buy:

80 - 6 oz baskets of Organic Blueberries, which would cost you about £160-£250

94 - 6oz baskets of Organic Red Raspberries, which would cost you about £200-£300

Over 5 lbs of frozen Acai, which would cost you at least £100 in a health-food store!

35.5 bottles of Himalayan Goji Juice, which would cost you about £500-£1,000!

You'd need 24 bottles of Xango Mangosteen Juice, which would cost you about $500-£1,000!

You'd even need over 5 bottles of Eniva's VIBE Juice, listed in the Physicians Desk Reference as having the #1 highest ORAC value for a supplemental juice product. Even then, 5 bottles of VIBE would run you at least £125 and as much as £150!


  1. Wow, amazing stats! I have a bag of raw cacao powder and love it! I'm going to have to create an antioxidant filled smoothie along with the matcha I think!

  2. You bet! if you add the super berries and leafy greens to that antioxidant smoothie you'll be buzzing for a month!
